Sunday, January 21


Yesterday our dear friend Nicole got married...Sarah Alec and i drove down to Coronado for the festivities...

It was a very nice drive, and it only took up about 2 hours to get there from Pasadena. We arrived a little over an hour early and got to see the wedding party show up. Here is Amaris, who was a bridesmaid, walking into the church. So lovely! Sarah and i walked into town for about a half hour and looked at the shops...i hadn't been to Coronado for a few years and it was weird how much i remembered.
Once we got back to the church the 3 of us changed into our wedding outfits...formal black tie dress code was a requirement! Jeannie tried to get Tom's bowtie to tie as she looked at illustrated directions he was holding up for her...with little luck. During the wedding, at one point i looked over at him and the bowtie was a little bedraggled mess hanging pitifully down the front of his shirt. It was pretty great. Sarah wore my grandmother's white mink coat and looked just stunning. Alec left his awesome white bowtie at home ): But he still looks pretty stunning, too. On the way to the wedding Sarah sewed 6 buttons on the inside of Alec's dress pants so he could wear the white suspenders...which totally makes the outfit, in my opinion. With or without the chucks. If only he had had that bowtie...
The wedding was blessed and sweet and Nicole looked bright and beautiful. Afterwards we drove over to the naval base for the reception...

Sarah, Alec and Jeff

Joey, Sarah, Anna, Alec

And some lovely pictures of lovely Sarah during dinner...

Sarah and Amaris...

Proof that i was there...

The instant the dance floor was open, Alec and Trevor Bishop jumped out there and began tearing it up. Then Matt ran in a little later...i love how you can hear people cracking up behind the camera. Keep in mind there are at least 100 guests seated and standing around that you can't see!

At one point Alec dragged Sarah out on the dance floor can just watch (sorry the quality is bad!)...

Some blurry pictures of Nicole dancing et cetera...

All in all, it was a very nice evening. I was the only woman in made me happy.

Alec drove home because i'm blind at night. We got in around 12:30. zzzzzzz.........

school tomorrow...



Jeff said...

I am glad you put this up here. Thanks. Wish I could have been there.

Anonymous said...

Colleen, I stole your video and put it on my myspace, I hope you don't mind. And I've never been to your blog until J-Bi told me about it today, so I'm gonna have to pay this blog a visit. Anyway, those pictures and videos are awesome, and I love alec and sarahs dance video, I missed that somehow last night.

colleen said...

Jeff we missed you!! ):