Friday, October 8

I guess technically it's friday...

Hey...what's that....? A profile picture??
It is!
So there i am...sort of. i had fun playing with it. I love Photoshop. love love love it.
I also love Thursdays...because when i'm not in charge of my grandparents for the evening, it's my one guaranteed free evening of the week. Lovely!
So today after leaving PCC around 5 or so i arrived at my cousin Anna's apartment where she and my sister were waiting for me. We proceeded to eat Trader Joe's salads, and laugh and goof off like we always do. We then watched an episode of Alias on dvd. That show is so awesome. Sarah and Anna were laughing at me nearly the entire time because of how charismatically i was reacting to the various situations in the show. Hey...i enjoy myself. Oh, we ate Ben & Jerry's to further our viewing pleasure. We talked for a while, i put a new quote in my quote book, and after a time i popped in the first disk of the Two Towers EE. I turned on the commentary of the cast and sat and watched it with glee. Compliant but grumbling, the girls sat and watched it with me. I am such a complete geek. Please laugh at will make me feel better.
Sarah and i met Pip at our house around 10:00...we were going to have an evening of filming fun! Sarah has a film project due in her Art center class on Tuesday and she filmed the part with Pip in it tonight. It's basically going to entail images of "modern day" fairy tale characters played eerily by friends of ours...maybe even me!
The role required a great deal of freakish we proceeded to drastically lighten his face, put baby powder in his hair, red lipstick and liner all around his eyes, and mascara on his bottom lashes. He looked tight. (You did Pip, you did!)
He was supposed to be a sort of type of the "White Rabbit". At one point Sarah wanted him to jump around all crazy-like, and Pip did so, despite the fact that he's been fasting for 2 days (what a trooper!).
Set to "Spinning Plates" by Radiohead, it should be very interesting and spooky. I love that song. love love love it.
When we got back to the house around midnight we all took our makeup off in the bathroom. Such fun.
Wow, there are so many meaningful things i wanted to write...but i'm so so tired. A result of 3-5 hours of sleep every night this week. Go fig...
Bis Montag...

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