Saturday, October 9

Dear Editor,

I wrote a letter to the editor of the college newspaper last week. It was something i'd been meaning to do for ages...and i finally sat down and spilled it out. It was mostly to get my feelings off of my chest so it was a bit impassioned...and i never really thought that they would actually print it...but they did!
To my astonishment, the following appeared on the second page of the PCC Courier last week...

My name is Colleen Police, Im 22 years old, I've been a student at PCC for 3 years and I am a Christian. I am also angry and humiliated, but for a reason many of you may not suspect. There is something going on at PCC that has been an annoyance to a few, an outrage to some, an embarrassment to others, or a combination of all three to someone like me.

What I'm talking about is the presence of "Jesus freaks" and "witnesses" planting themselves on the campus yelling, pointing fingers, and holding up outlandish signs warning people of the wrath of God and the dangers of Hell.

Just a few days ago, I watched in sickness as a man yelled accusingly to a girl walking past him how Jesus died for her.

I am upset because of the stigma these people are promoting and solidifying in the heads of the many individuals I know who think that all Christians are intolerant, stuck-up, "holier-than-thou" bible thumpers. That we are activists who care more about "saving" as many people as they can through fear and anxiety, than promoting the the real message and ministry of Christ that has seriously been all that has kept me alive, at times, in the past few years. One of hope (not dread) forgiveness (not punishment), and love (not hate).

I'm not a happy peppy Christian who goes around spouting off to everyone how perfect and pleasant my life is because I know Jesus. I'm just a college student trying to make it through this dark and confusing world the only way I know how.

I know I'm not alone as a person of faith on this campus in my thinking that what these people are doing is inappropriate. On behalf of all Christians and believers in Jesus Christ at PCC who hold my point of view on this issue, I deeply apologize to anyone who is offended or disgusted at this display of immaturity and lack of wisdom these people have shown, because I sure am.

Lastly, I want to encourage other Christians at PCC to engage with these people, tell them how much their actions upset you and offend you, let them know you don't support them. Because I sure will.

With all love and sincerity, Colleen

Crazy, no? The weirdest thing is the reactions i've been getting from people who have found out i wrote it...nothing negative...yet! I had one of my teachers write me a very sweet note commending me for writing it, aother one of my past teachers (quirky, loud, crazy atheist) told Kristina when he saw her how much he liked it, and i've even had a student i didn't know...but who obviously knew me...come up to me and thank me.

It was really awesome to think that maybe just ONE non-Christian would read it and think twice about what they believe. Of course it's also great to find a couple more Christians on campus who do agree with me. But i've been pondering something.
They all told me how brave i was, how great it was...i just said thanks..i don't know, it's weird. I would like to think that more people of faith would be willing to step out in it, you know?

it'll be interesting to see what happens next time those people come around...if i'll be willing to step out myself!

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