Monday, February 4



I like it when it rains because it makes things amazing.

green back on the hills

silver water

Working on a painting in class...

preliminary drawing of Edan for a life sized figure painting...slightly blurry and glared...

Pip had a STELLAR show on Friday at the No which we witnessed the debut of his new project:
The Secrets of All Hearts On Earth

Saturday there was a lunch for the women at was absolutely lovely. The speaker was a woman named Shirley Peters, and her message on Grace was very timely. Laura especially enjoyed it.

Mother and Daughters...

Saturday was also Alec's 24th birthday!! complete with a small gathering of some of his work and art center mates. David, his old roommate, was there of course:

Sarah made a super duper coffee and chocolate 3-layer cake...

and Dancing. there was some rad dancing...that's Alec's other friend Dave on the right...

Pip was there too, he's just not in any of these photos.

ooohkay back to work...


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