Wednesday, November 5

the past 5 days or so

to see Caid getting his "rawr" on for Halloween: go here

this picture was completely un-posed. that's how amazing pip is.

after i saw all my friends at LCAD last friday i went to the beach for a while and wrote a few letters. while i was there a homeless man i know stopped and talked to me for a while. Pip and i and another friend of ours met him a couple of months ago. His name is Reegan, and he's in his early 40's and dying of cancer. but he is one spirited guy and looooves to talk and tell stories...

When we met him it was at night and he was drinking a bottle of Listerine. we ended up talking to him and a couple of other guys for about 3 hours. We prayed with Reegan as well...he knows the Lord and the only thing he's looking forward to is the day he gets to go be with Jesus.

Anyway, so that was pretty neat to see him last week. we got to catch up a bit, he showed me some shoes someone had just given him, and told me what was going on down in Laguna with all the people who were living on the beach. He also told me there are some people trying to get the rights to a book he wrote about his life, so they can make a film from it. i told him that that was amazing! he didn't seem to excited, though, and told me that if he ever does get any money from either of them, he's going to leave it all to his nephew who lives in Colorado. i hope i get to see him again...

there was also a woman on the bench near mine reading Twilight. it made me happy. i told her she was going to love it. hehe...

aah, southern california in the winter!

Halloween night, i saw the family, and Caid was more than proud to show off his "Dino" costume...

horraay for politics.

even BIGGER (and more sincere) hooraay for amazing weather!!!

mom carved a pumpkin :)

go america!


1 comment:

Laura said...

Why didn't anyone warn me Twilight is so addicting? I've yet to get any REAL work done in the last week or so because of it...