Monday, December 6

i"m Tried.

I have a humungous paper i should be typing...but i didn't want to leave that last post as the first thing people see here.
Ah, my grandfather. sweet guy.
It's been bitterly cold. At least, 50 degrees during the day is bitter for us spoilt Californians who are accustomed to waltzing around in our flip flops and tank shirts in the moddle of December.
I also can't type right now. I've had to correct nearly every word i've written so far.
I'm going to type the rest of this without correction. Just an experiment. Bear with me.
So my family and i are now the proud owners of...bum bum bum artificial cChristmas tree. When i faound ytout we were getting one, i put up quite a fuss. I admit it. For my entire life wwe've always had a real tree in opur homwe! But i fina,lly gave in and journeyed to Stats with mom and Sarah to buy our imitation tree.
Well, turns out we have a really gorgeous fake tree that we are free to pose however we please, and we don't have to worry abiut water, pine needles, the puppy tearing off branches...and now that mom and i have decorated it so lovellyly ( i did that on purpose), it really looks real! I just miss the smell.
Been practising for the show coming up on Friday...should be awesome. At Beantown...Sierra Madre...California...
You were lucky id idn't have a really bad typing night. it's been worse...muh worse.
The other night Pip and i went to trtader Joes to buy non alcoholic wine...much toi the amusement of the employees there. The checker said he didn't even know they sold it.
Needless to say it was awful stuff. Pip said it couls grow on him...whicjh would be nice considering htere's now a nearly full bottle of it in his fridge. Maybe his mom can use it in her cooking. She makes excellent Pumpkin cheezy herby soup. Actually, i hope she doesn't use it.
I shpould really go now. This was comletely worthless.
That's okay>. (:

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